Check Valves

Bronze Wafer Check Valve

DN50~DN1500 2”~60”
Bronze, B148 C95800

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Bronze Wafer Check Valve Product Information

Bronze wafer check valve is one type of wafer dual plate check valve, which can be mounted on the piping end as exhaust valve.Wafer type dual plate check valve is with two torsion springs added to each of pair valve plates, which close the plates quickly and automatically, that can prevent the medium from flowing back. The check valve can be mounted onto both horizontal and vertical direction pipelines. Flowspec Luokai can manufacture the bronze wafer check valve according to standard of ASME B16.34 / API594 with sizes of 2″~60″ (DN50~1500mm). Just feel free to contact us now to get best prices. 30 years of experience. High quality. Big stock. Fast delivery.


  • Small in size, light weight, compact structure, easy maintenance
  • The quick action prevents of medium back flow
  • Short face to face and good rigidity
  • Easy installation, can be mounted horizontally and vertically
  • This valve is tightly sealed, without leakage
  • Safe and reliable operation, high interference-resistance


  • Design & manufacturing: ASME B16.34 / API594
  • Face to face: API594
  • Matching flanges: ANSI B16.5 RF
  • Inspection & testing: API598


  • 150LB/300LB/600LB/900LB
  • Size: 2″~60″ (DN50~1500mm)
  • Materials: bronze B148 C95500, C95400, C95800, C95200, C92200, C83600, C84400, C90500
  • Applicable medium: water, sewage, sea water, air, steam, gas, oil
  • Applicable temperature: ≤+250℃ (higher temperature is available upon request)


  • Oil & gas field
  • Environment protection
  • Marine service
  • Power plant
  • Sea water desalination
  • Offshore project
  • Steel work, metallurgy

Dusl plste wsfer check vslve has a shorter face-to-face
dimension and dual plate design, the end connection
options Include wafer type, lug type and double-flange type,
and are available In size from 2″ to 60″ and I n pressure
ratings from ASME class 150 through 2500. A wide range of
body and trim msterisls are optionsion customer’s request.
Compared to coventional swing check valves, NEWAY’S
dual plate check valves have the advantage of zero leakage

toward outside (no bolted or threaded connections), cost
savings, they can be installed in any line orientation,
superlor seal performance, offer mInImal line shock, lower
pressure loss and zero seat wear.
This series of valves are widely used in oil & gas production,
petroleum reflning, petrochemlcal, pulp & paper,
shipbullding, and other f luld back flow prevention

Shock Bumpers.
Two Independent Torsion Springs.
Retainerless Body Design.(Patent Protected)
Uninterrupted Gasket Surface.
Body Slot Design to Fit the Hinge Pin.

1 Retainerless Body Design (Patant Protactad)
Dual plate valve bodles are a one-piece and short cyllnderdesign with no holes through body wall, there is no need for externalpins or plugs and no leakage towardoutskdFor criticalservice applications, such as hazardous or poisonous medium, thisis a superior choice to minimize unwanted leakage to atmosphere.

2 Body Slot Design to FI t the HInge PIn
A body slot with carefully calculated clearance is designed to fit thehinge pin and allows hinge pin to move in the only direction of flow.The design eliminates the possibility of friction caused by the heelof the dual plate.

3. Shock bumpers
The integral cast bumper on the back of the dual plate is aneffective design to prevent the frequent hitting, and reduces thepressing from the dual plate against the stop pin when the valve isfully opened, This extends the service life of the valve andminimlzies maintenance cost

4 Two Independent Torsion Springs
Two high torsion springs ensure valve closure as quick as possible.and reduces water hammer, 90 as to extend valv e I lfe and Improvesystem performance.

5. Uninterrupted Gasket Surface
The dual plate design incorporates an internal retention fitting.The fitting does not encroach the gasket sealing surface, toensure the effective seal betwvalve and pipeline.

6. Light weight and compact w afer design
Dual plate wafer designs Inherently makes this check valve Ilghter,which is only 10~25% of the weight of conventional swing checkvalve, to saves money in initial valve cost and provides lowerinstallation cost.

7. Flexibility in Installation position
The spring feature alds In keeping the valve closed and the lighterweight in ellminating pipeline bending loads make the valve flexibleinstalled in any position, to allow you to design your piping layout inthe most efficient and least expensive method.

8. Dual plate & Flat seat design
When the valve opens, the heel of the dual plate is lifted in thedirection of the flow, to avoid that the heel drag across the seatingsurface and cause wear. When closing the valve, both the two hightorslon springs and the back pressure will force disc toe and heelback In turn to the flat seat to complete the seal.

9. Size Range
Do to features of the wafer check light weight, small Installationspace, spring alds and easy sealing, the valve may be used in thefield of lager plping slzes, even in 60″or above plping system.


No. Parts Materials
1 Body ASTM A216-WCB/STL
2 Disc ASTM A217-CA15 or
ASTM A351-CF8M or
ASTM A352-LCC/316
3 Hinge pin ASTM A276-410 ASTM A276-316 ASTM A276-410 ASTM A276-316
4 Stop pin ASTM A276-410 ASTM A276-316 ASTM A276-410 ASTM A276-316
5 Holder ASTM A276-420 ASTM A276-316 ASTM A276-420 ASTM A276-316
6 Cilp 3048.8 3168.8 3168.8 3168.8
7 Key ASTM A182-F304 ASTM A182-F316 ASTMA182-F304 ASTMA182-F316
9 Hook screw(5⋆& larger) Al8l 1025 AISI 1026 AISI 1025 3048.8
Wafer Type-ASME Class 150
Size Dimensions Stud detalls End
Hook screw
hole size
A B D E No. Dlameter RF Stud
NPS DN In mm In mm In mm In mm In mm In mm In mm lbs kg
2″ 50 4.09 104 2.38 60 2.36 60 2.01 51 4 0.63 16 5.75 146 RF 6 3
21/2″ 65 4.84 123 2.63 67 2.88 73 2.84 80 4 0.63 16 6.25 159 RF 11 5
3″ 80 5.35 136 2.88 73 2.87 73 2.91 74 4 0.63 16 6.75 171 RF 11 5
4″ 100 6.85 174 2.88 73 4.49 114 3.83 97 8 0.63 16 6.75 171 RF 18 8
5″ 125 7.72 196 3.38 86 5.56 141 4.87 122 8 0.75 19 7.50 191 RF 28 13
6″ 150 8.70 221 3.88 98 6.61 168 5.77 148 8 0.75 19 8.00 203 RF 0.50 13 31 14
8″ 200 10.94 278 5.00 127 8.62 219 7.63 194 8 0.75 19 9.50 241 RF 0.50 13 57 26
10″ 250 13.35 339 5.75 146 10.75 273 9.56 243 12 0.88 22 10.50 267 RF 0.50 13 98 45
12″ 300 16.06 408 7.13 181 12.76 324 11.38 289 12 0.88 22 12.25 311 RF 0.75 19 140 64
14″ 350 17.68 449 7.26 184 14.02 358 12.50 318 12 1.00 25 12.75 324 RF 0.75 19 170 77
16″ 400 20.12 511 7.50 191 15.98 406 15.00 381 16 1.13 29 13.25 337 RF 1.00 25 230 104
18″ 450 21.63 549 8.00 203 18.00 457 18.88 429 16 1.13 29 14.25 362 RF 1.00 26 270 123
20″ 500 23.88 606 8.63 219 20.00 608 18.81 478 20 1.25 32 15.25 387 RF 1.00 26 360 163
24″ 600 26.25 718 8.75 222 24.00 610 22.63 575 20 1.25 32 16.00 406 RF 1.00 25 480 218
28″ 650 30.50 776 14.00 356 26.00 680 24.25 616 24 1.25 32 23.25 581 RF 1.00 25 1000 464
28″ 700 32.75 832 15.00 381 28.00 711 28 1.25 32 24.50 622 RF 1.00 25 1200 544
30″ 750 34.75 883 12.00 305 30.00 762 29.25 743 28 1.25 32 21.75 552 RF 1.00 25 1000 454
32″ 800 37.00 940 14.00 356 32.00 813 28 1.50 38 24.75 629 RF 1.00 25 1400 635
36″ 900 41.25 1048 14.60 388 36.00 914 35.00 880 32 1.50 38 28.00 680 RF 1.00 25 1750 794
40″ 1000 45.75 1182 17.00 432 40.00 1016 36 1.50 38 28.50 724 RF 1.50 38 2800 1179
42″ 1050 48.00 1219 17.00 432 42.00 1067 41.00 1041 36 1.50 38 29.00 737 RF 1.50 38 2850 1293
48″ 1200 54.50 1384 20.63 524 48.00 1219 47.00 1194 44 1.50 38 31.00 787 RF 1.50 38 4400 1996
54″ 1350 61.00 1549 23.25 501 54.00 1372 51.50 1308 44 1.75 44 35.75 908 RF 1.50 38 6500(2) 2495(2)
60″ 1500 67.50 1715 28.00 880 80.00 1524 56.00 1422 52 1.75 44 38.75 984 RF 1.50 38 7200(2) 3288(2)
Double Flanged Type-ASME Class 300
Size Dimensions Stud detalls End
A B D E No. Dlameter RF Stud
NPS DN In mm In mm In mm In mm In mm In mm lbs kg
12″ 300 20.50 521 7.13 181 12.91 328 11.38 289 16 1.13 28 8.75 171 RF 336 152
14″ 350 23.00 584 6.75 222 14.09 358 12.50 318 20 1.13 29 7.00 178 RF 431 186
16″ 400 25.50 648 9.13 232 16.06 408 14.31 384 20 1.25 32 7.50 191 RF 675 306
18″ 450 28.00 711 10.38 264 18.00 457 16.68 429 24 1.26 32 7.75 187 RF 850 388
20″ 500 30.50 775 11.50 292 20.00 508 17.94 456 24 1.25 32 8.26 210 RF 1078 489
24″ 500 36.00 814 12.30 318 24.00 610 21.56 548 24 1.50 38 9.25 235 RF 1965 891
28″ 850 38.26 972 14.00 356 28.00 660 24.38 619 28 1.63 41 10.50 267 RF 2200 998
28″ 700 40.75 1035 15.00 361 28.00 711 28 1.63 41 11.00 279 RF 2600 1179
30″ 750 43.00 1092 14.50 368 30.00 762 28.75 730 28 1.75 44 11.75 298 RF 3526 1599
32″ 800 45.26 1149 16.00 408 32.00 813 28 1.88 48 12.75 324 RF 3300 1497
38″ 800 50.00 1270 19.00 483 36.00 914 35.00 889 32 2.00 51 13.25 337 RF 4700 2132
40″ 1000 58.75 1238 21.50 548 36.00 914 32 1.63 41 13.25 337 RF 4900 2223
42″ 1050 50.75 1289 22.38 568 40.00 1016 41.00 1041 32 1.63 41 13.75 349 RF 5000 2268
48″ 1200 57.75 1467 24.75 628 44.00 1118 47.00 1194 32 1.88 48 15.25 387 RF 7400 3357
Double Flanged Type-ASME Class 600
Size Dimensions Stud details End facing Welght
A B D E No. Dlameter RF Stud
RFJ Stud
NPS DN In mm In mm In mm In mm In mm In mm In mm lbs kg
12″ 300 22.00 669 9.00 229 12.76 324 11.38 289 20 1.26 32 8.50 216 9.00 229 RF/RTJ#67 660 249
14″ 350 23.75 603 10.75 273 14.00 358 12.50 318 20 1.38 35 9.0)0 229 9.50 241 RF/RTJ#61 846 384
16″ 400 27.00 688 12.00 306 18.00 406 14.31 384 20 1.60 38 9.76 248 10.26 260 RF/RTJ#66 1010 468
18″ 450 29.25 743 14.25 382 18.00 457 18.13 410 20 1.83 41 10.50 267 11.00 279 RF/RTJ#69 1320 599
20″ 600 32.00 813 14.60 368 20.00 608 17.94 466 24 1.83 41 11.26 286 11.76 298 RF/RTJ#73 1700 771
24″ 600 37.00 940 17.25 438 24.00 810 21.56 548 24 1.83 41 12.25 311 13.00 330 RF/RTJ#77 2580 1170
26″ 660 40.00 1016 18.00 457 25.00 660 24.00 610 28 1.88 48 13.26 337 14.26 382 RF/RTJ#93 3100 1406
28″ 700 42.25 1073 19.00 483 28.00 711 28 2.00 51 14.00 358 15.00 381 RF/RTJ#94 3800 1724
30″ 750 44.50 1130 19.88 505 30.00 762 28.75 730 28 2.00 51 14.00 356 15.00 381 RF/RTJ#95 5390 2445
32″ 800 47.00 1194 21.00 533 32.00 813 28 2.25 57 14.75 375 16.00 408 RF/RTJ#98 6000 2722
36″ 900 61.75 1314 26.00 835 38.00 914 33.75 867 28 2.50 64 16.00 406 17.00 432 RF/RTJ#98 6700 3039
42″ 1050 55.25 1403 27.60 701 38.00 965 39.50 1003 28 2.50 64 19.50 495 RF 9400 4264
Double Flanged Type-ASME Class 900
Size Dimensions Stud details End facing Weight
A B D E No. Dlameter RF Stud
RFJ Stud
NPS DN In mm In mm In mm In mm In mm In mm In mm lbs kg
12″ 300 24.00 610 11.50 292 12.75 324 10.13 257 20 1.38 35 8.75 222 9.25 235 RF/RTJ#57 770 349
14″ 350 25.25 641 14.00 356 14.00 356 11.50 282 20 1.50 38 9.25 235 10.00 254 RF/RTJ#62 1240 562
16″ 400 27.75 705 15.13 384 16.00 406 12.81 325 20 1.63 41 10.00 254 10.75 273 RF/RTJ#68 1210 549
18″ 450 31.00 787 17.75 451 18.00 457 14.44 367 20 1.88 48 11.00 279 11.75 298 RF/RTJ#70 1845 837
20″ 500 33.75 857 17.75 451 20.00 508 17.94 456 20 2.00 51 12.00 305 12.75 324 RF/RTJ#74 3940 1787
24″ 800 41.00 1041 19.50 495 24.00 810 21.50 546 20 2.50 64 14.00 358 15.00 381 RF/RTJ#78 4175 1884
1. A=OD 2. B=Fto F 3.D=ID 4.E=Minimum ID 6. Yellow part is amened by technical Dept. 8. Above data are origined from Vetan cataloge VEL-PQCV-2006

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